Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trek Week!

On Thursday, I'll head up to Boston for the carbo-loading dinner. Luckilly, I've been offerred a place to stay Thursday night (thanks, Scot and Amy!), so I don't have to foot the bill for a hotel room. Friday morning, bright and early will see us off and riding southwest towards NYC! I'm going to take it easy this coming week. I'm not going to run, but I'll go out for a few moderate rides. I think I'm in pretty good shape. I'm perhaps not in as good riding shape as last year, but I feel good nonetheless.

Speaking of riding and running, I ran 20 miles and rode about 80 miles this past week, including a great 50 mile ride yesterday and a 9 mile run today. The 30 mile ride I did the other day incorporated a bunch of climbing and my legs felt pretty good.

Now...on to fundraising...I'm struggling a bit. I've spoken with some other riders and many of them are having a harder time at it this year too. I need to make some follow-up calls this week and we'll see where things stand when I leave for the ride. We shall see...I have a feeling things will work out; I just need to get the word out and contact some more people. If you're reading this and haven't joined my ride, please do. Every dollar counts!

Wish me luck!

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