Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sick kids

So's their fault that I haven't posted. They've been incredibly sick, in fact, that my three-year-old son took his second nap in about a year and a half. I did, however, manage to sneak out of the house for a ride Wednesday morning:

a 5 mile (3 of which were a tempo run) run on Thursday:

and today I finished the most enjoyable run that I've done in about 2 1/2 years. It was a slow 6 miler that I did on some mountain bike trails in West Rock Ridge State Park. It was fantastic. Up and down. Over fallen trees. Across planks and bridges. Over/through mud puddles. From rock to rock. It's why/how I originally fell in love with running and it was brilliant. Anyway...enough of my raving. I couldn't put together a map on map-my-run, because the trails are under too dense of tree cover, but if you check the trail map, you can follow my route south from the beginning of the red trail. I took the white trail when it broke off to the west from the red. When the white rejoins the red, I turned back and retraced my steps. Again...awsome.

Reminder: if you haven't joined my ride...please do. Let's help ALS TDI get some real work done on ALS this year!

'till next time, ride safely!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Back at it

I went out of town (to Pittsburgh) last weekend. Since I was driving home on Sunday, I didn't get to do last week's long run (5miles). I did, however, play Vikingball before leaving the 'burgh. Awesome. I got a bit of a, non-traditional, workout on Sunday and was back to running today(it would have been a 5k had I not gotten lost):

Thursday, May 14, 2009

4.5 Miles

Foot soreness rears itself once again. Ugh. It wasn't bad, though, and by the end of the run the soreness was gone. Hopefully it was nothing. We shall see, I guess.

Today's route around Lake Wintergreen:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

3-mile Tuesday

Today I started the fourth week of a 10k running regime. My general workout plan for the trek is to continue to focus on this running regime for the next few weeks (provided that my foot/ankle/achilles holds up), continue to add bike rides on a couple of my rest/x-training days every week, watch some initial pounds drop off, and then switch more fully to cycling in June . My reasoning might not be completely sound, but I really think that the whole body workout that running gives is more effective (especially when I take into consideration the time I need to put into both) and although I really need to get some miles in on the bike, past riding/running experience tells me that I am able to ramp up the riding miles fairly quickly if I'm in good cardio/muscular shape. So...that's how I've rationalized sticking to the running program for a bit longer (I'm also quite happy that I've been running for over 3 weeks and my foot still feels pretty good...first time that's happened in over 2 1/2 years).'s run:

Thanks for checking in on me. Cheers!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Minicards, that is. I just ordered some to pass out for fundraising purposes. Image (thanks to doodleandhoob!):

On the back it says:

Become a part of my ride by donating:

More information on ALS TDI and the Tri-State Trek:
Follow my training:

Pretty snazzy, in my opinion. Now I just need to get out and hand them to people who are interested in helping.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

4.5 miles at Lake Wintergreen

Today's workout was a long, slow run. I'm up to 4 miles for my long run. When I got to the turn around, I was certain that I'd made a mistake when I planned the route. The "two miles" had gone by too easily and I continued on. Finally, when I reached the confluence of a couple of trails, I decided that I'd turn back, check the time at the car, and continue on, if necessary.

The run back seemed a bit longer than the out and I was certain before getting home and checking that I had indeed run 4 miles (4.5 to be more precise). It was fantastic, though. The picture to the left doesn't do the trail justice. Next time we take a walk there, I'll get some better shots. This pic, though, will have to do for the time being.

Check the route below, if you're interested. Bike ride tomorrow perhaps. I don't have anything scheduled, though, until my run on Tuesday. Cheers!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

into shape, that is


I've started this blog for a couple of reasons. The first, and most immediate, reason is that I wanted a place online to collect my thoughts, experiences, and documents relating to my participation in this year's Tri-State Trek. Secondly, I wanted a visual, easily-accessible method to track my journey back into shape. I once told Jill that I was going to be in the best shape of my life by age 35. From about September, 2005-August, 2006, at age 30-31, I was running about 30 miles/week, had gotten to the lightest I'd been since 10th grade, was generally happy with the shape I had gotten back into, and was excited about the prospect of spending the next 4 years tinkering with my running routine and coasting into 35 easily in the best shape of my life. August, 2006, though, brought an achiles/arch injury that dearailed my running regime. I'm just back up to 10 miles/week (a slow, slow, slow 10 miles/week), but I worry about my right foot every time it strikes the ground (and I'm still 40 lbs heavier than I was in 2005/2006). So, although I'll post my running workouts, this blog is about biking back into shape. It's happening, damnit!

Today's ride: