Saturday, May 9, 2009

into shape, that is


I've started this blog for a couple of reasons. The first, and most immediate, reason is that I wanted a place online to collect my thoughts, experiences, and documents relating to my participation in this year's Tri-State Trek. Secondly, I wanted a visual, easily-accessible method to track my journey back into shape. I once told Jill that I was going to be in the best shape of my life by age 35. From about September, 2005-August, 2006, at age 30-31, I was running about 30 miles/week, had gotten to the lightest I'd been since 10th grade, was generally happy with the shape I had gotten back into, and was excited about the prospect of spending the next 4 years tinkering with my running routine and coasting into 35 easily in the best shape of my life. August, 2006, though, brought an achiles/arch injury that dearailed my running regime. I'm just back up to 10 miles/week (a slow, slow, slow 10 miles/week), but I worry about my right foot every time it strikes the ground (and I'm still 40 lbs heavier than I was in 2005/2006). So, although I'll post my running workouts, this blog is about biking back into shape. It's happening, damnit!

Today's ride:

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